মৃদঙ্গে উঠিছে ধ্বনি
শুনি তার পদধ্বনি রে।
সেই ধ্বনিরই কম্পন
আমার হিয়াতে শুনিলাম,
আমার মন, মন রে,
ক্যানে বা তারে চিনিলাম?

Field recording forms the very backbone of The Travelling Archive. Here is a selection of session notes, chronologically arranged from 2003. They hold mostly audio recordings from the field, some video too, with cross references to our own work and the work of others. These are not reproduced straight from notebooks, but sessions as remembered by us.

Notice Board

Workshop on the Archive as a Knowledge Site, 2-3 Feb 23, Jadavpur University
Moushumi will present at a workshop on THE ARCHIVE AS A KNOWLEDGE SITE: THE EXPERIENCE OF EUROPE AND INDIA, Organised by SCTR, JU in association with CNRS, France and IRN-AITIA.

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