শুভ সাধুসঙ্গ 
লয়ে সঙ্গপঙ্গ
বন বিহঙ্গ 
প্রসন্ন করিলে।

Just as it is not enough to write about sound with words and signs only, it also seems not enough to present sound as sound. How to talk about the thoughts which come out of listening? In this section we are keeping a selection of published and unpublished essays written by us and friends, broadly on themes of field recording, listening, collecting and archiving.

Songs from a Tide-Swept Land.

‘Songs from a Tide-Swept Land’ by Moushumi, in Jamini, international art journal published by Bengal Foundation in Dhaka. 2017.

Travelling alone, but not quite.

মৌসুমী ভৌমিক, ‘এইখানে কীভাবে এসে পৌঁছলাম আমি?’। সুমিতা বীথি সম্পাদিত ‘একলা মেয়ের ঘোরাঘুরি’ (কলকাতা: লা স্ত্রাদা, ২০২৫) সংকলনের অন্তর্গত।

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Notice Board

Workshop on the Archive as a Knowledge Site, 2-3 Feb 23, Jadavpur University
Moushumi will present at a workshop on THE ARCHIVE AS A KNOWLEDGE SITE: THE EXPERIENCE OF EUROPE AND INDIA, Organised by SCTR, JU in association with CNRS, France and IRN-AITIA.

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