শুভ সাধুসঙ্গ 
লয়ে সঙ্গপঙ্গ
বন বিহঙ্গ 
প্রসন্ন করিলে।

Just as it is not enough to write about sound with words and signs only, it also seems not enough to present sound as sound. How to talk about the thoughts which come out of listening? In this section we are keeping a selection of published and unpublished essays written by us and friends, broadly on themes of field recording, listening, collecting and archiving.

BF Shelton and Oh Molly Dear.

Robert Millis writes about his listening memory of American folk music

Stories as Songs: Oral Traditions in the Khasi Hills.

Renee Lulam writes about oral traditions in the Khasi Hills

‘Accuse’ কাকে করবো?.

On questions of the appropriation of folk music by mainstream media, divided Bengal, hegemony, ‘purity’ of dialect and diction and so on. Written by Moushumi in response to a Facebook post after the death of the singer and composer Kalikaprasad Bhattacharya.

In Search of Meaning: Reflections on Folklore.

Costis Drygianakis and Yiorgis Sakellariou, who have worked on Russian and Lithuanian folk music respectively, share their thoughts on the notion of traditional music.

Moving with the Song: Loss and Longing in the Migrations of Bengal.

‘Moving with the Song: Loss and Longing in the Migrations of Bengal’ is a paper Moushumi presented at a Sound and Anthropology conference in St. Andrews University in 2006, convened by anthropologist Stephanie Bunn and sound scholar and artist Cathy Lane. This was one of our earliest attempts to talk about our field recordings.

I Hear the Drums Roll: Lessons in the Art of Listening.

Moushumi’s essay in the first issue of the IFA journal, ArtsConnect. ‘I Hear the Drums Roll: Lessons in the Art of Listening’. 2007.

শাহ আবদুল করিমের ভাব ও অভাবের গান.

‘শাহ আবদুল করিমের ভাব ও অভাবের গান’. This essay by Moushumi was published in 2010 in an anthology edited by Shuvendu Imam entitled শাহ আবদুল করিম: পাঠ ও পাঠকৃতি, (Sylhet: Boipotro, 2010)

Madly in Love: On a Trail of Songs of Separation.

‘Madly in Love: On a Trail of Songs of Separation’, a paper Moushumi presented at a conference on the Poetics and Politics of Sufism and Bhakti in South Asia and later included in an anthology by the same name, edited by Kavita Panjabi. (Kolkata: Orient Blackswan, 2011).

Images of Listening.

‘Images of Listening’. This essay by Sukanta and Moushumi was published in On Listening, an anthology edited by Cathy Lane and Angus Carlyle and published by Uniformbooks, UK, in 2013.

Man with a Recording Machine: Arnold Bake in Bengal.

‘Man with a Recording Machine: Arnold Bake in Bengal’ in Ghouse, Nida and Nuria Querol eds. La Presencia del Sonido (Presence of Sound). Publication part of the exhibition Presence of Sound.

দ্য ট্র্যাভেলিং আর্কাইভ: শ্রবণ, স্মৃতি আর সময়ের গল্প.

‘দ্য ট্র্যাভেলিং আর্কাইভ: শ্রবণ, সময় আর স্মৃতির গল্প’ । সুরজিৎ সেন সম্পাদিত দেশের আগামীকাল পত্রিকার শারদ সংখ্যায় ছাপা হয় ২০১৪ -তে।

মনসামঙ্গল ও একটি এটলাস ছাতার গল্প.

‘মনসামঙ্গল ও একটি এটলাস ছাতার গল্প’: মৌসুমী ভৌমিক। সূত্র: সুমন কুমার দাস-এর সম্পাদনায় সিলেট থেকে প্রকাশিত দৈয়ল পত্রিকার প্রথম সংখ্যা। ২০১৪।


‘শ্রবণ’: সুকান্ত মজুমদার। সূত্র: সুমন কুমার দাস-এর সম্পাদনায় সিলেট থেকে প্রকাশিত দৈয়ল পত্রিকার প্রথম সংখ্যা। ২০১৪।

Art East: Eastern India’s stories of Partition.

Art East: This is a transcript of a discussion on Eastern India’s stories of Partition. Moushumi was one of the speakers in a panel including Udayon Misra, Vishwajyoti Ghosh, Debjani Sengupta. 2017.

Sonic Symphony.

‘Sonic Symphony’, by Sukanta Majumdar in Lensight, quarterly journal of FTII, special issue on reality and imagination, edited by Rajula Shah.. 2017.

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Sushoma Das has passed. She lives here with us.
Sushoma Mashima

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